How to sanitize while saving water?

How to sanitize while saving water?

Sanitizing while saving water is a fundamental principle that we all must embrace. Water is undoubtedly an invaluable asset, of vital importance not only for us but also for future generations. Its role in ensuring a sustainable future cannot be underestimated. Indeed, cleaning and hygiene, central aspects of our daily lives, are strongly linked to water consumption and often a significant waste is noted in these activities.

But let’s ask ourselves a question: is it really impossible to reconcile sanitizing and water saving? On the contrary, it is entirely feasible, as long as we adopt the appropriate solutions. It may seem like a daunting challenge, but armed with the right strategies, we are capable of overcoming it.

This is why environmental sustainability can no longer be considered a simple option, but an imperative in our daily lives. It is our precise duty to do our part to protect water resources. In a global context where water scarcity is becoming increasingly pressing, it is essential to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors, which allow us to keep our environments clean without unnecessarily dissipating this precious resource.

Reduce consumption for better results

We all want a clean and impeccable environment, but traditional sanitation systems often require an enormous amount of energy resources and manpower. Moreover, they use pollutants, causing a negative impact on the environment and inefficient use of energy resources.

But have you ever wondered if it’s possible to live in safe and sanitized environments without giving up anything? We have worked hard to answer this question, and our primary commitment has been to preserve and protect every environment.

Our mission is to protect the environment, whether it’s natural, domestic or professional, in order to improve people’s quality of life. We want to provide concrete support to those who, like us, care about sustainability, safety, and the protection of the places where they live.

Designing easy-to-use steam cleaning and sanitation systems with intelligent resource optimization systems and zero polluting agents is our most significant contribution to environmental protection.

TPA sanitation systems simplify the eco-friendly choice without any compromise and ensure:

  • Impeccable cleaning
  • Deep sanitization
  • Safe sanitation
  • No risk of contamination
  • No use of detergents, disinfectants or harmful and polluting substances
  • Maximum resource savings, with minimal water use

Adopting one of the patented TPA steam cleaning and sanitation systems is the responsible choice for those who care about people’s health and wish to reduce their environmental impact with eco-sustainable solutions.

Steam, water-filtered vacuuming, and UV-C rays are the zero environmental impact sanitizing technologies that TPA has developed and integrated into each cleaning system. These technologies are effective in removing dirt and neutralizing the invisible threat of germs, bacteria, allergens, and pathogens.

Sustainability is in our DNA

We have made sustainability a guiding principle in the design of every TPA machine. The internal Research and Development department continues to perfect the adopted innovations and technologies, including the ability to sanitize while saving water, with the goal of achieving the highest possible efficiency with the least use of resources.

All TPA steam generators have been designed with the goal of offering:

  • the maximum natural effectiveness against visible and invisible dirt to preserve and improve people’s health
  • ensuring the least use of resources to reduce the environmental impact and make cleaning operations eco-sustainable

Choosing steam cleaning systems for sanitizing professional environments and within the production processes of food processing is the first step towards becoming a green and genuinely sustainable company.

Get better results by improving the efficiency of cleaning operations and reducing the use of resources.

Water is our most precious asset

TPA steam cleaning systems are incredibly convenient and eco-friendly. You simply need to use tap water to generate a powerful adjustable jet that ensures safe hygiene and impeccable cleaning. You don’t need to add any detergent, saving both on cost and environmental impact. Water consumption is reduced by about 93% compared to traditional cleaning methods.

This means that you can achieve extraordinary results without waste. And it’s not just our claim: our system has obtained the prestigious Green Cleaning certification precisely for water saving and the complete elimination of harmful substances.
Pure green cleaning system!

The natural power of steam

Steam has the ability to eliminate 99% of germs and bacteria, thus sanitizing all surfaces and environments, especially those that cannot be treated with aggressive chemical products.

Think about production and processing areas in food industries and artisanal laboratories; in spaces where people with allergies, respiratory problems stay; the mattress where our children sleep, their toys.

The safety of steam lies not only in the impeccable cleanliness obtained but also in the absence of residues and polluting waste after its use.

Detergents, disinfectants, and cleaning products, on the other hand, release residues that must be thoroughly rinsed several times to avoid the risk of inhaling, ingesting or coming into contact with the substances contained in them. A great expenditure of energy, without having the certainty of safe cleanliness for the most vulnerable people.


Daily cleaning for sanitized environments

Cleaning in homes, workplaces, and all the spaces where we usually stay, needs to be done in the shortest possible time, with little effort and the minimum of energy resources. They are necessary practices that should not become a nightmare or a chore.

TPA’s advanced steam technologies are essential for sanitizing and maintaining:

  • the entire house: kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, living area
  • car interiors and motorhome living cells
  • delicate surfaces, floors, carpets, coverings
  • sofa, armchairs, cushions
  • mattresses and upholstery
  • bathroom and sanitary ware
  • kitchen, surfaces, work equipment and tools such as oven, stove, hood, etc…

The natural power of steam is capable of successfully fighting various types of visible dirt such as:

  • limestone
  • grease and grime
  • encrusted dirt
  • persistent stains
  • dust
  • molds and fungi

But there’s more, steam goes well beyond and also fights the invisible dirt that threatens our daily wellbeing like:

  • mites
  • allergens present in the air
  • mold spores
  • germs and bacteria that proliferate on surfaces and fabrics

In addition, the steam jet easily reaches the most uncomfortable areas where dirt accumulates and dissolves it, restoring the optimal hygiene level. With its action, it purifies the air of the treated environments, eliminating the causes of bad odors without leaving intrusive fragrances.

The evolution of cleanliness is zero impact

Steam is an extremely useful technology, but we wanted to take its effectiveness to a higher level and ensure a completely safe cleaning cycle in every phase of use. The evolution of cleanliness towards zero impact is not just a matter of superior performance, but also of responsibility towards the environment. We took on this challenge to provide innovative solutions that reduce environmental impact while enhancing the quality and effectiveness of cleaning. By choosing our cutting-edge technology, you contribute to creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

Water filter vacuum: maximum efficiency, clean air

One of the most significant advancements in the evolution of cleanliness is the integration of a patented water filter vacuum into steam systems. This revolutionary innovation allows for the vacuum of solids and liquids and the removal of loosened dirt directly from the steam. The water filter acts as a physical barrier, trapping dust and volatile particles, preventing them from being dispersed into the environment as happens in traditional suction systems.
The result? Maximum cleaning efficiency and cleaner air.
With this innovative technology, cleaning is no longer limited to the surface, but reaches an unprecedented level of depth.

Patented technology with UV-C rays: safety and hygiene

Safety and hygiene are fundamental priorities when it comes to cleaning. That’s why we’ve developed a patented technology with UV-C rays. Inside the tank, a UV-C lamp neutralizes the bacterial load present in the collected dirt, inactivating viruses, germs, and bacteria. This innovative approach ensures maximum safety during the tank emptying phase, both for the person carrying out the task and for the surrounding environment. The dirty water can be easily emptied into the wastewater without any risk of contamination or pollution. With this cutting-edge technology, you can be confident of a clean, safe environment free of pathogens.

True cleanliness leaves no residue

Traditional cleaning systems may seem effective, but often hidden dangers are overlooked. Any substance used leaves residues that are not visible to the naked eye. Particles that settle on surfaces or penetrate deep into the fibers of fabrics and upholstery materials, with which we come into contact without realizing it.

Elderly people, children, fragile individuals, and our pets are the most sensitive to contact with residues and may develop breathing difficulties, contact allergies, and irritations that are hard to trace back to the real cause that silently continues to accompany us.

Imagine being able to entrust cleaning to the pure tap water alone, transformed into a powerful jet of steam that sanitizes every corner and removes every type of dirt. This is the priceless safety we offer. Not only do you clean in depth, but you do it without polluting the environment and ensuring healthy and protected environments for you and your loved ones. Feeling the purity of a natural, deep, and safe clean is the greatest satisfaction.

With a TPA steam cleaning system, you can embrace a sustainable lifestyle without sacrificing quality. We protect our planet for a better future by reducing the use of polluting chemical products and optimizing water resources. Choosing sustainability means making a difference and contributing to the preservation of the environment we call home.

Join us in our commitment to effective and environmentally friendly cleaning.